Saturday, August 14, 2010


Welcome! To The Legacy Inferno! This is my latest series, that takes a new turn in my writing of lyrics! If you are unaware, I post my song lyrics that I write. But they follow a series or storyline that I have created. This is my second series that I have written, or writing! That follows a storyline, which I have worked hard on! But lets start with the basics, on the next post I will give you the basics of the storyline. But this post, will tell you what I intend to do differently than my last series! On this blog I won't just post songs, I will talk about the writing process. How well my progress is coming with my current project. Maybe throw in a few jokes, and little things about myself. This should be a much more interesting blog than my last! First, I would like to say that my other series, "War Of The Blade," is nearly finished. And I was wondering what I could work on next. So then I came up with the idea of a new series. That I thought would be different, in many ways from my other works. This series, might be more relatable than my other series! It does follow some of the same themes, but the focus on war, and other topics. Won't come immeditly. War is somewhat of a major topic, but that won't come until later on in the series. Maybe toward the end of the series! This series talks more about good vs evil. But in a different sense. In the end it will be talking more about, Heaven and Hell. This might be more relatable than my last series. So I thought that this would make a more interesting topic! Something that people with a faith might relate too, and maybe to those without. But my intent is that no religion will be be upset about the things talked about in this series. Because I myself, have a faith! I don't intend to be sacrelgious, to anyone. Second, I thought I would give you the basics I know so far. I will be posting an EP, which is usually just a short version of an album. That is written to give you a hint, of what the upcoming album will be like. Usually though, they put a song or two from the upcoming album. So you know what to expect. I don't intend to post any songs from the upcoming album though. I intend to write the origins of the story in a little EP. That has 6 songs on it, that will give you the basics of the story, and will show you how I intend to write the whole series. I have already given the EP a name. It will be called, "The Legacy Inferno: Origins (EP). When I get the song list ready, I will post it for you. Also, the first album in the series has a name as well. I call it, "The Legacy Inferno 1: Guardian." Which I decided will be 11 songs. With an introduction song at the beginning. In the War Of The Blade series, I did make a mistake and leave out important parts of the story. So I wrote bonus songs, that filled in the gaps. That might happen in this series, although I will try not to let it happen. I might also be writing some more EP's for albums that I think don't connect well together. That is the basics that I wanted to lay out, so see you next time! :)

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